Showing posts with label fix your life.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fix your life.. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Being Needy Is A Bad Trait And Character Flaw!

Being Needy Is A Bad Trait And Character Flaw!

Help Button, Help, Help Me, Button, Icon

There are so many people in this world who have the skills and the opportunity to make something out of themselves but there is something inside that tells them that they cannot accomplish anything so they think that the world owes them all the things that they cannot get.

I have to say that there is a population of people that actually need some help because of age or disability but it still doesn't give a person a right to attach themselves to your pocketbook because God will help those who help themselves.

You may think that you do not have control over your circumstance but you do; you have a mind that is powerful to create and give you the answers that you need, and all you have to do is put forth some effort.

Hands, Detention, Chin Up, Sinking

If you cannot work, try to do the things that you can do and there will be someone out there who will help you get to the place where you want to be, but if you sit by expecting people to be your savior it will not help you at all.

Surround yourself with people who care about moving forward and are not takers because takers are distractors and they will wear you down.

Work on yourself and concentrate on what you can bring to the table and share yourself if you cannot share anything else.

Try not to feel sorry for yourself because we live in a world that rewards good behavior and our faithful attempts at bettering ourselves will not be void.
Live Your Dream, Motivation, Incentive

I have heard of people who come to America with just Twenty dollars and they fight and find a way to make it in this country because they are hungry and know that they have to make life in this country work.  They cannot afford to sit around and hope and dream of a change; they force the change.

If they can make it, you can, it depends on you making a change and making some careful decisions.  Learn how to save money on some things that you can do without so you can have a little extra money to change your life.  You may say, " I don't have much", well that man or woman who came to this country had a lot less than you.

You can do better and you know you can because living your dream is only possible if you depend on yourself and do for yourself.

A handout is only temporary but a hand up will take you so much further and when people see you trying, they will step in and help without you even asking for it.

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