
Friday, July 22, 2016

Should I Go Natural?

Anonymous Question: 
 I heard that you are natural but you wear wigs all the time; I would like to go natural myself but I am work in a professional environment and I would like to move up into upper management.  Are you ashamed of your hair?  I want to see what your advice is before I do the big chop.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for asking this question.
I have been natural for five years and I also went natural another time in my life for four years.

The reason I went natural is because I have Androgenic Alopecia.
I am not ashamed of my hair at all.  If I didn't have Alopecia I would like to wear my hair in different styles and would press it sometimes to wear it straight.

The question that you asked regarding wearing natural hair in a professional environment; I would honestly have to tell you if you are trying to move into upper management, I would find a natural style that is very neat and refined. 

 If you are unable to do these styles because of hair length or other issues, hair could be added to 
make a beautiful style.  You could also go natural but wear a wig at work and wear your beautiful natural hair while you are out of work.

I also like the look of a nice, neat, short Afro.  Unfortunately, you have to fit in with the work environment to get the position that you want.

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